
A visual illustration outlining the process of using the ACPF from planning, running the ACPF, analyzing the results, and application. The table show which steps the Hub team can help with.

Working with the ACPF National Hub

A guide to how the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework National Hub can help you use the ACPF in your conservation planning processes

Cover page of the ACPF User Manual

ACPF Version 4 User Manual

This manual accompanies version 4 of the ACPF software tools as a training and referencing resource for use with the third version of these tools, written for use in ArcGIS Desktop version 10.7 and 10.8.

Conservation pyramid diagram

Introduction to the ACPF

This video is an introduction to the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) by providing an overview to the three components of the ACPF.