When I try to delineate streams and catchments, I get error 000732- Input Raster Dataset – in the geoprocessing results. Can you help?
Image from the user: This is the error message I am getting. I am wondering what the issue is.
TauDEM should run fine with ArcGIS 10.3.1. Have you restarted your computer since installing TauDEM? I’ve seen the path to TauDEM not get added until after a restart.
If that doesn’t work, are there any files in the TDProcDir? There should be “TDFlowDir.tif” and “TDFill.tif”. If these exist, can you run the “D8 Contributing Area” tool from the TauDEM toolbox from within ArcMap, using “TDFlowDir.tif” as the input. Does this run successfully?
You can also try running in the foreground.
- Response: Solved. I had to reinstall the most up to date version of TauDEM on my machine. Simple fix. TauDEM5.37 for 64 bit. It cleared everything up.